Murphy's Law - An Introduction

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Murphy’s Law, along with the history and many of the incarnations, have been added to the Irish Joke section at The Irish Gift House.

We are happy to report that we offer a couple of Irish made products that feature Murphy's Law, please scroll down for the links.

Poor Murphy, he has one of the most popular Irish surnames, yet due to Murphy’s Law, he is incorrectly regarded as incompetent. The world needs to know that US Air Force Captain Edward Aloysius Murphy, deserves vindication.

It was 1949, at what is now named Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert, when tests were being conducted to determine the effects of gravitational force (G Force) on the human body. Major John Stapp was the human test dummy who was the riding 421 mph rocket on rails used in the experiment, yet during one of these very dangerous tests, the sensors did not record the G Force that Major Stapp endured.
When troubleshooting the situation, Captain Murphy discovered that the sensor had been installed incorrectly. He reported his findings to Major Stapp and added, “If there’s more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will end in disaster, then somebody will do it that way.” Major Stapp formulated this dictum as “Murphy’s Law.”

Over the years many similar adages have been included as part of Murphy’s Law.

You are welcome to take a look at a couple of items we offer with selections of these sayings. Please take a look at the Murphy's Law tea towel along with the Murphy's Law Fridge Magnet.