Galway Crystal Claddagh Gifts
Galway Crystal Claddagh Gifts

Galway Crystal Claddagh Gifts

Galway Crystal Claddagh gifts espouse the sentiment of the iconic Irish symbol. Galway Crystal Claddagh giftware makes an wedding gift, but is also superb for everyday use.

The Claddagh is found on an assortment of crystal gifts from Galway Crystal including the hurricane lamp and the crystal Claddagh bell, that is often presented as an Irish make-up bell wedding gift.

Irish Wedding Blessing Plate - Galway Crystal

Irish wedding plate features the Claddagh along with a traditional marriage blessing etched on 24% leaded crystal.
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11" Wide

Galway Crystal Claddagh Bowl

Irish Crystal bowl is a large cut glass design that is enhanced with  an etched Claddagh icon.
5 x 7 Frame

Claddagh Picture Frame - Galway Crystal

Galway Irish crystal picture frame features an etched Claddagh icon that is enhanced with interlaced Celtic knot-work.

Claddagh Baby Cup - Galway Crystal

Irish crystal baby cup features an etched Claddagh along with a cut motif. The Claddagh baby mug would make an ideal keepsake gift.
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Claddagh make-up bell.

Claddagh Wedding Bell - Galway Crystal

Irish wedding bell features cut crystal that is enhanced with an etched Claddagh icon on the front.
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