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The Irish Gift House
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Celtic Crosses, Their History and Symbolism
The iconic
Celtic cross
has a deep and interesting
that dates to 650 AD in ancient Ireland.
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Tree of Life
Crann Bethadh
Tree of Life
in the Gaelic language and in Celtic folklore trees are the source of all life and creation.
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Connemara Marble
Very little gold or silver is mined in Ireland, but what they do have in their mountains is the only green colored marble in the world,
Connemara marble
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Acara Irish and Celtic Jewelry is New at The Irish Gift House
is loosely translated from Gaelic and when used as
a cara
, it means friend.
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Celtic Motherhood Knot
The ancient Celts used knot-work as decoration with each unique twist depicting a different meaning. So it is the case with the
Celtic Motherhood Knot
that is a demonstration of the strong bond which exists between a mother and child while merging and including their heritage and faith.
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Irish Jokes from The Irish Gift House
Sure, many of our
Irish jokes
are stereotypical and yer man Paddy is often the hero or the butt of the gag, but they are all meant in good humor as in the end, as history has taught us, the Irish always prevail.
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St. Paddy's Day Accessories
Faith and Begorrah, St. Patrick's Day is almost here! Check out the new section on our site that is appropriately named
St. Patrick's Day Accessories
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Irish Clothing from The Irish Gift House
The most popular
Irish clothing
categories remain with the
Irish t-shirts
section reigning supreme with our customers, but the
Irish polo shirts
rugby shirts
also get their due.
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Claddagh Ring History
Not surprisingly there are many different versions of the Claddagh legend; so who is to know which version is correct? The
Claddagh ring history
that we use at The Irish Gift House is the same version that was supplied to us by O'Connor Jewelry.
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Inis Body Lotion is Now Available in a Pump Bottle
The widely popular
, the Energy of the Sea,
body lotion
is now available in a larger pump bottle at The Irish Gift House.
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St. Brigid and the St. Brigid's Cross
February 1 also corresponds with the feast day of
St. Brigid
, who along with Patrick, is one of Ireland's patron saints.
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Nollaig na mBean - Women's Christmas!
In Ireland, Epiphany is also known as
Nollaig na mBean
, which translates from the Irish language to
Women's Christmas
in English.
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Guinness Gifts at The Irish Gift House
The iconic stout has a loyal following and these ardent enthusiasts appreciate
Guinness gifts
because they evokes pleasant experiences of drinking Ireland's most famous dark beer.
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Halloween's Celtic Roots
, pronounced Sah-ween, is a
festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter; today we know the day as
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Celtic Jewelry, Designs and Influences
The use of
knots and designs in
dates as far back as the 5th century BC as evidenced by torques that have been found by archaeologists.
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Irish Christmas Traditions
is a religious season and it is also a time for merriment and festivities that have developed many time honored
Irish traditions
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Salmon of Knowledge - Mystical Irish Legend
Salmon of Knowledge
is an
Irish legend
is about Fionn Mac Cumhail and how he inadvertently came to acquire the knowledge of the great fish and then become the leader of the ancient Fianna tribe.
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Irish Wedding Traditions Includes Wearing a Kilt!
couples are reaching back to their rich Celtic heritage and the groom and his groomsmen are
wearing a traditional kilt
during the
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The new Irish & Celtic jewelry from Solvar is on the way.
has always been known for their eclectic style of
that ranges from traditional
Irish jewelry
designs that imitate the popular trends to completely innovation designs.
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The Irish Gift House Celebrates Our 30,000th Order!
I guess that Kerry and I were relatively late in embracing e-commerce at
The Irish Gift House
as we didn't launch
until 2005. We had a thriving "brick and mortar" retail business in place and we were happy taking orders by phone and by mail. We didn't know what was good for us!
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The Irish Gift House features Irish and Celtic jewelry from Solvar!
The Irish Gift House
is proud to say that
has been our principle
Irish jewelry
purveyor for the past 18 years.
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New Irish and Celtic Jewelry from TJH.
We just added an assortment of
Celtic jewelry
, one of the largest precious metal jewelers in Ireland.
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Happy Anniversary to The Irish Gift House!
The month of July marks two anniversaries for
The Irish Gift House
. On July 5th we marked 23 years in business, and 3 years ago, on July 27, we transitioned to an all on-line Irish gift store.
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The O'Connor Jewelry Heist
Cahill's gang identified a weak point in the
O'Connor Jewelry
security system as they forced their way into a boiler room which was not connected to the alarm system. They waited overnight, and when the staff arrived they pounced and forced them to open the safes.
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