Guinness Bar Signs

Guinness Bar Signs

Guinness bar signs and Guinness wall art include designs made of wood or metal and also features mirrors and neon signs.

Our collection of Guinness bar signs is suitable for decorating any room from your pub to the man cave. The Irish Gift House also recommends Guinness wall art for your garage.

Guinness Bar Sign - Wooden - Harp

Guinness bar sign is a distressed wooden design that is enhanced with a dimensional carved harp. The Guinness sign is enhanced with a wooden frame and is ready to hang on your wall. 
13 x 19

Guinness Bar Sign - Wood - Pint

Wooden Guinness pub sign features the saying, There's Nothing Like a Guinness! The Guinness sign is a vintage Gilroy design with distressed elements; it is ready to hang on your wall.
12" Tall!

Guinness Bottle Opener - Cap Catcher

Guinness bottle opener is a wall mounted or free standing design that features a destressed wooden bottle shape along with a metal cap catcher.
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