Irish ornaments are offered in such a vast assortment that it will be a celebration for your eyes and for your Christmas tree. Irish Christmas ornaments include every possible icon, including shamrocks and the Claddagh along with Celtic knots and Celtic crosses.
From Irish angel Christmas ornaments to Ireland’s official national symbol, the harp, we offer every possible Irish icon for you to hang on your tree. Naturally we feature many Claddagh ornaments along with several popular Celtic Christmas ornaments that may feature interwoven Trinity knots. You may also with to browse our assortment of baubles that are enhanced with Irish blessings.
We also have an assortment of fun and festive Irish snowmen and Irish Santa ornaments that we surely bring a smile to everyone in your family. Most of these designs are enhanced with shamrocks.
The Irish Gift House also presents a collection of porcelain baubles, and we feature other materials that include brass, pewter, and porcelain. We also offer a selection of bronze plated Irish Christmas ornaments; they have great detail, and many are enhanced with interlaced Celtic knot-work.