Irish Christmas Ornaments

Irish Christmas Ornaments

Irish ornaments are offered in such a vast assortment that it will be a celebration for your eyes and for your Christmas tree. Irish Christmas ornaments include every possible icon, including shamrocks and the Claddagh along with Celtic knots and Celtic crosses.

From Irish angel Christmas ornaments to Ireland’s official national symbol, the harp, we offer every possible Irish icon for you to hang on your tree. Naturally we feature many Claddagh ornaments along with several popular Celtic Christmas ornaments that may feature interwoven Trinity knots. You may also with to browse our assortment of baubles that are enhanced with Irish blessings.

We also have an assortment of fun and festive Irish snowmen and Irish Santa ornaments that we surely bring a smile to everyone in your family. Most of these designs are enhanced with shamrocks.

The Irish Gift House also presents a collection of porcelain baubles, and we feature other materials that include brass, pewter, and porcelain. We also offer a selection of bronze plated Irish Christmas ornaments; they have great detail, and many are enhanced with interlaced Celtic knot-work.
Pearl Glaze.

Irish Nativity Ornament - Angel - Shamrocks

Irish Christmas ornament features a Nativity scene of the Holy Family that is wrapped inside of the wings of a shamrock enhanced angel.
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Out of Stock.

Irish Nativity Ornament - Shamrock - Angel

Irish Christmas ornament is a Nativity motif that features a shamrock enhanced angel cradling the Holy Family with her wings, all with a pearl glazed finish.
Victorian Style

Irish Wedding Ornament

Irish Christmas ornament is an ideal wedding gift as it features a blessing to the Bride and Groom along with green shamrocks on the center panel.
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Victorian Style

Irish Angel Ornament - Blue

Irish ornament is an ideal baby gift as it features an angel with a blue gown along with a guardian angel blessing and green shamrocks, all on a Victorian style bauble.
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Victorian Style

Irish Angel Ornament - Pink

Irish baby ornament features a guardian angel with a pink gown along with an angel blessing and green shamrocks, all on a Victorian style bauble.
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Victorian Style

Irish Blessing Ornament - Shamrocks - xi52s

Irish Christmas ornament features an embossed Victorian bauble that is enhanced with an Irish blessing verse along with green shamrocks.
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Victorian Style

Irish Christmas Ornament - Claddagh - xi48

Claddagh ornament features the iconic Irish symbol along with an explanation of its elements, all on a Victorian style bauble with embossed detailing and red glass stone accenting.
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Victorian Style

Irish Ornament - Blessing - Friends House

Irish Christmas blessing ornament features a thatched roof cottage along with shamrocks and an friend's blessing. The Irish Christmas ornament is a Victorian design that is enhanced with a green glass stone and embossed elements.
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Victorian Style

Irish Christmas Ornament - Blessing - Friend

Irish Christmas ornament features a thatched roof cottage along with an Irish friend blessing. The Irish blessing ornament is a Victorian design that is enhanced with embossed elements.
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Out of Stock.

Shamrock Tree Ornament - Irish Christmas - Silver Accenting

Irish Christmas ornament features a continuous row of green shamrocks along with lattice-work porcelain that is enhanced with silver accenting.
Gold Accenting

Shamrock Tree Ornament - Irish Christmas - Gold Accenting

Irish Christmas ornament features lattice-work porcelain that is enhanced with a center row of green shamrocks along with gold accenting.
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Only 2 Left!

Irish Christmas Ornament - Santa - Box

Irish Santa ornament is also a hinged porcelain box that is enhanced with green shamrocks along with gold accenting and a hinged lid.
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Irish Christmas Ornament - Celtic Cross - sch04gbl-co

Celtic cross Christmas ornament features the Irish blessing along with the Claddagh and interwoven Celtic knot-work with embossed detailing.
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Irish Wedding Ornament - Bride and Groom

Irish Wedding Christmas ornament features a white porcelain bride and groom figurine that is enhanced with green shamrocks along with embossed detailing.
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Irish Christmas Ornament - Cat

Irish cat ornament features green and white porcelain that is enhanced with scattered green shamrocks along with green accent charms on the whiskers.
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Irish Christmas Ornament - Nollaig Shona

Nollaig Shona Irish Christmas ornament features a center shamrock that is surrounded with interwoven Celtic knot-work and is enhanced with holly and berries along with gold accenting.

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Glass - Double-sided!

Guinness Christmas Bauble - Toucan

Irish Christmas ornament is a Guinness glass bauble that features the ubiquitous Toucan that is enhanced with mistletoe along with glittered snow accenting.
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Out of Stock, back in 2025

Irish Christmas Ornament - Guardian Angel - Blessing

Irish Christmas ornament features a porcelain guardian angel that is enhanced with shamrocks and embossed roses along with a blessing on the rear side.
Angel Charm Included!

Irish Christmas Ornament - Grandma - Angel

Irish grandma ornament is a white porcelain bauble that features a tribute to a grandmother in heaven and is enhanced with green shamrocks along with an angel charm.
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Angel Charm Included!

Irish Christmas Ornament - Grandpa - Angel

Irish grandpa ornament is a white porcelain bauble that features a tribute to a grandfather in heaven and is enhanced with green shamrocks along with an angel charm.
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Irish Christmas Ornament - Plane

Irish plane Christmas ornament features a porcelain biplane design that is enhanced with green shamrocks along with embossed elements.
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Irish Blessing Christmas Ornament - Crystal

Irish ornament is a crystal design that features an etched Irish blessing, along with interlaced Trinity knots, and shamrocks, and it is enhanced with a scalloped rim.
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Box of 4 - Only 2 sets left.

Irish Christmas Ornaments - Icons

Irish Christmas ornaments features a box set that includes the shamrock and Claddagh along with the harp and Celtic cross.
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3" x 3"

Trinity Ornament - Plaque - Brass

Trinity knot is a solid brass ornament that also may be used as a Celtic wall plaque. The Trinity knot plaque is enhanced with an interlaced circle along with a filigree motif.
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Angel Charm Included!

Irish Christmas Ornament - Mom - Angel

Irish mom ornament is a white porcelain heart that features a tribute to a mother in heaven and is enhanced with green shamrocks on both sides.
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