Irish Blessing Ornament - Shamrocks - xi52s

Victorian Style
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Irish Christmas ornament features an embossed Victorian bauble that is enhanced with an Irish blessing verse along with green shamrocks.

The Irish blessing on this ornament reads, May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back.

This Irish ornament is a Victorian style design that features a blessing along with shamrocks. The Irish Christmas ornament is enhanced with three panels with green shamrocks in the side panels and the blessing in the center panel. The Irish ornament is further enhanced with additional shamrocks in the center panel along with a green "jewel" above the blessing. The Irish blessing bauble is made of white porcelain with green and gold accenting; it measures 2 3/4" wide x 4" tall, and it is ready to hang on your tree with the included gold ribbon. 
The Irish blessing Christmas ornament is gift boxed with a shamrock history card, complements of The Irish Gift House.

This item is made in Thailand and decorated in the United States.

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