Galway Crystal Gift-ware - Mystique

Galway Crystal Gift-ware - Mystique

Galway Crystal Mystique giftware features candlestick holders along with elegant vases.

Please note that this selection of Galway Irish Crystal Mystique giftware are all retired pieces. The Irish Gift House is limited to remaining stock.

18" Tall - only 1 left.

Irish Crystal Vase - Galway - Mystique - 31618

Irish vase features 24% leaded crystal along with an 18” tall size. The tall Irish crystal vase is cut in the Mystique pattern by Galway.
14" Tall - only 1 left.

Irish Crystal Vase - Galway - Mystique – 31614

Irish vase features 24% leaded crystal construction along with a 14” tall size. The Irish crystal vase is cut in the Mystique pattern by Galway.
20" Tall! 1 Left.

Irish Candlestick - Galway Crystal - Mystique - 31640

Irish crystal candle holder is a tall Mystique cut glass design that is crafted by Galway Crystal.
18" Tall! - 2 Left.

Irish Candlestick - Galway Crystal - Mystique - 31641

Irish crystal candle stick holds a single taper and is cut in the Mystique motif by Galway Crystal.