
Belleek Ornament - Owl

Belleek Christmas ornament is a wise owl that is enhanced with green shamrocks along with embossed detailing, including the feathers.
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Functional Bell!

Belleek Christmas Ornament - 2020 - Annual - Annalong Cornmill

Belleek annual Christmas ornament is the Annalong Cornmill bell; it is the 33rd edition in the series for 2020. The Belleek Annalong Cornmill ornament is enhanced with a waterwheel along with hand painted elements, including a green shamrock.
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Belleek Ornament - Nutcracker - Christmas

Belleek nutcracker ornament is crafted of fine china and features an embossed shamrock along with hand painted accenting.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Jug

Belleek jug ornament features fine china construction that is enhanced with an embossed green shamrock along with hand painted accenting and a cork stopper.
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Belleek Ornament - Christmas Buddies

Belleek Christmas ornament features an embossed cat and dog along with hand painted details that include a green shamrock.

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Functional Bell!

Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - 4654

Belleek ornament features a snowman that is enhanced with an Irish harp along with a shamrock and interwoven Celtic knot-work, on both sides.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Pot of Gold - 4656

Belleek ornament is a pot of gold that is enhanced with handles along with hand painted elements that include a green shamrock and gold coins.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Irish - Rainbow - 4658

Belleek ornament features a fine china crafted puffy cloud that is enhanced with the pastel colors of an Irish rainbow along with a green shamrock.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Tree of Life

Belleek Tree of Life ornament features an embossed Celtic knot-work motif on the front along with a hand painted green shamrock on the reverse side.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - 2018 Annual - Kerry Farmhouse

Belleek annual Christmas ornament is the Kerry Farmhouse bell; it is the 31st edition in the series for 2018. The Belleek Kerry Farmhouse ornament is enhanced with embossed detailing along with hand painted elements that include a green shamrock.
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Functional Bell!

Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Elf

Belleek snowman ornament is dressed as an elf who holding a Christmas present with a red bow. The Belleek Christmas ornament is crafted of fine china and is enhanced with hand painted elements that include a green shamrock on the reverse side.
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Shamrock on Back!

Belleek Christmas Ornament - Plum Pudding

Belleek ornament is a fine china design that features plum pudding and holly and berries along with the words Merry Christmas and an embossed border.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowflake - Reindeer

Belleek ornament is a fine china snowflake that features a reindeer in the center along with embossed detailing on both sides.
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Belleek Ornament - Bell - Christmas Scene

Belleek ornament is fine china in the shape of a bell that features a Christmas motif that is enhanced with embossed detailing.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Nells Cottage

Nell's Cottage ornament from Belleek features fine china construction that is enhanced with hand painted shamrocks and embossed detailing.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Irish Angel - Believe

Irish angel ornament from Belleek is crafted of fine china and features a hand painted green shamrock and embossed detailing along with a banner that has the word Believe, with gold accenting.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Celtic Cross - Clogher

Belleek China Celtic cross ornament is a fine china replica of the Clogher cross of Co. Mayo, Ireland; it is enhanced with embossed detailing along with hand painted elements that include a green shamrock.

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Belleek Shamrock Ornament - Christmas

Shamrock ornament is crafted of fine Belleek china; it is enhanced with hand-painted shamrocks along with embossed detailing.

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Belleek Christmas Ornament - May the road rise to meet you

Belleek ornament is crafted in fine china and features an outline of Ireland that is enhanced with a verse from the Irish Blessing, May the road rise to meet you.

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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Church - Snowflake

Belleek ornament is crafted of fine china and features an embossed church and snowflakes along with gold accenting and a green shamrock on the reverse side.

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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Door - Green

Belleek green door ornament is in the Georgian style typical of Dublin, Ireland. The Belleek Christmas ornament features fine china construction that is enhanced with embossed detailing along with a hand painted green shamrock on the reverse side.


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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Alpine

Belleek snowman ornament is crafted of fine china and features an Alpine outfit that is enhanced with embossed elements and hand painted accenting, including a green shamrock.

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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Star - Shamrock

Belleek ornament features a double-sided bauble that is enhanced with embossed and painted shamrocks and stars, all on fine Irish china.

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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Basket Weave - Bell

Belleek has woven fine strands of china to create this bell shaped ornament in their basket weave motif. The Belleek China bell ornament is enhanced with superimposed holly and berries.

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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snow Lady

Belleek ornament is a functional bell that is crafted of fine china and features a snowwoman that is enhanced with embossed detailing along with a hand pained green shamrock.
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