Irish Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Family

Irish snowman ornament features a family of three who are enhanced with green shamrocks along with a Christmas blessing.

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Irish Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Lamppost

Irish Snowman Christmas ornament features a lamppost and shamrocks. This Irish ornament is a colorful design that is crafted from polymer clay.
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Green Shamrock Too!

Belleek Ornament - Snowman - Farmer

Belleek snowman ornament features an Irish farmer who is complete with a pitchfork in one hand and a hen in the other along with a green shamrock on his back.
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Belleek Ornament - Snowman - Paddy

Belleek snowman ornament is named Paddy. He is a functional china bell that features a pint of stout along with a shamrock on his top hat.

Functional Bell

Belleek Ornament - Snowman - Chef

Belleek snowman ornament is an Irish chef that features a bowl and spoon along with a green shamrock and rosy cheeks.

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Functional Bell!

Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - 4654

Belleek ornament features a snowman that is enhanced with an Irish harp along with a shamrock and interwoven Celtic knot-work, on both sides.
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Functional Bell!

Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Elf

Belleek snowman ornament is dressed as an elf who holding a Christmas present with a red bow. The Belleek Christmas ornament is crafted of fine china and is enhanced with hand painted elements that include a green shamrock on the reverse side.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Alpine

Belleek snowman ornament is crafted of fine china and features an Alpine outfit that is enhanced with embossed elements and hand painted accenting, including a green shamrock.

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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Snowboarding

Belleek snowman ornament is crafted of fine china and features a snowboarding outfit that is enhanced with embossed details along with hand painted accenting that includes a green shamrock.
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Belleek Christmas Ornament - Snowman - Umbrella

Belleek snowman ornament is a functional bell that is crafted of fine china; he is ready for rain with his colorful umbrella. The Belleek China ornament is enhanced with an embossed scarf and a hand painted green shamrock.
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Irish Snowman - Shamrock

Irish snowman features a knit hat and sweater that is enhanced with an Aran Island motif along with a green shamrock. The shamrock snowman is complete with an embossed broom; he would make a great Christmas decoration.

No matter what you collect or desire to give this Christmas, even Celtic snowflake jewelry, The Irish Gift House can help make it happen.  Remember that you may request a gift note and gift wrapping; these are complementary services when we are shipping directly to your gift recipient.